Saturday, February 18, 2012

Another Ring Remix-Lapis Pendant

I have talked about this before a few posts back, one of my specialties is to re-design old jewellery into something more suited to you. Rather than just melting down the jewellery like a lot of places do (though I can do that as well) I often change the jewellery into something new and interesting! This is great for things that have sentimental value, as you can still see details of the original piece in the new piece. I recently made a 2 tone pendant out of 2 rings. One ring had a lovely lapis stone in it, and the other had a tigers eye and was set in a gold ring that was broken. I redesigned these rings into this pendant! I added some sterling silver for a 2 tone look, and there is still some gold leftover for a future project for the client.
If you have some old jewellery that was left to you, or have something that is not your style anymore, maybe it can be designed into something you love rather than just hiding away in your jewellery box! Give me a call 416 697 1582, or email me at :) Talk to you soon!!

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